The answer is - 7 weeks is enough for the results to show up!

Seeing clients’ awesome results is a "proud Momma" moment.

Check out the results of the participants’ survey to see what these folks have achieved by investing only about 15 minutes a day. 

We cannot be more proud of this team of line managers for being courageous and doing what they could AND dealing with a crazy workload.

And for the company leadership for recognizing the need and sponsoring the initiative!

Note that the survey allowed for two other options Disagree and Strongly Disagree, which we don’t include in the table because none of the respondents chose them.

Wishing that you and your team are staying resilient amid the challenges that the intense work and political and economic turmoil bring upon us!


P.S. It's been a while since I shared in a blog or newsletter. It's been a whirlpool of work, politics, and family, and a true test of my own resilience, which I think I have passed (comparatively speaking :)). I miss staying connected and look forward to hearing how you are doing.


Svetlana Parilova enjoys helping companies to build an inclusive and supporting environment that keeps employees engaged, helps them perform at their best, and unlock their leadership potentials, and thrive.

As a leadership coach and consultant, she is especially passionate about supporting conscious leaders, high performers, and women who want to feel confident and impactful at work while feeling whole and enjoying relationships and personal life.

Click here to schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session and learn more!

LinkedIn (Updated):

Svetlana Parilova
Thrive Network International, LLC